It is imperative that we start discussing not only the benefits of single-payer Medicare for All but what transitioning will look like. We must fend off the forthcoming fear tactics that will be coming from the Plutocracy.
Coffee Party Shows
Director Steve Mims talks about documentary about Beto O’Rourke & Ted Cruz
Director/Editor/Cinematographer Steve Mims discuss his documentary “Run Like The Devil” which chronicles the Texas Senate race between Beto O’Rourke & Ted Cruz.
The rich do not have the fix to our economic mess they created
Anand Giridharadas wrote the book many in the movement could have written pointing out that the rich through intricate maneuvers are the cause of many of our economic and other problems.
The mainstream media is still discounting the Left but we are winning
The supposedly Liberal mainstream media continues to discount Progressive wins. They do so at their peril and credibility. Even Establishment candidates who won are adopting Progressive positions.
Americans have awoken. It must be a sprint to Medicare for All now!
The lies from the Plutocracy about single-payer Medicare for all continues but the reality that Americans are experiencing with their failed health care and simple math is forcing them to see the truth.
Does Chuck Todd believe you are stupid? A rewrite of history?
Chuck Todd showed an interesting form of self-serving projection as he tried to absolve the mainstream media from fault instead putting it squarely on Fox News. How quickly has he forgotten his complicity?
Capitalism knows no race or isms but uses them to survive
We should not care if Donald Trump is a racist or not. He simply reflects the aggregation of America’s current state. We should care about how capitalism use race to exist even as it falls apart from within.
People of Color must assume the police will mistreat them and prepare
It is now time to stop speaking around the issue. Police officers are not the bastions of our society but a reflection and they must be treated accordingly. It is unnecessary to say most are good because most of us are.
Fox News doing more to promote Democratic Socialism than Bernie Sanders
Fox News and the Plutocracy may learn that their push back against Democratic Socialism presents unintended consequences — like maybe educating a populace that comes to love it.
Senator Elizabeth Warren throws first punch at the corporate structure
Senator Elizabeth Warren has CNBC and the corporate talking heads in panic mode as they try to defend their apartheid-like hold on America. She will need a lot of help.