Here’s the reality. While the Red States love talking about wanting a small government, they are dependent on big government financed by the Blue States.
Coffee Party Shows
Will Republicans listen to this open letter? They definitely should.
The shellacking that Republicans have taken in 2018 is not changing behavior. Why? Trump’s false narrative and it’s acceptance by Republicans, Democrats, and the mainstream media keep the blinders on.
It cannot be denied that Trumpism lost big in Midterm 2018
While Trump attempts to sping Midterm 2018 as a victory, it is clear the opposite is true as more races continue to fall to Democrats. Trumpism growth is done. But we still have much work to do.
We won Midterm 2018: Stop acting defeated lest we fall into Trump’s trap
Progressives and Democrats have a huge Midterm 2018 win. Why are so many acting as if it was not a win or not a sufficient win? We took several steps and learned much for the future.
Every Republican must be voted out of office to save the country
The Republican Party has been complicit in the dismantling of the fabric of the country. Americans have one opportunity to mitigate the impending catastrophic train wreck.
Progressive radio personality Thom Hartmann is live on KPFT
Today we are in the KPFT studios talking to Progressive radio talk show host Thom Hartmann live. We will discuss today’s politics.
Medicare for All hit job in The Economist debunked by a Doctor who knows
During the ACA debate, supporters allowed lies & misinformation to cauterize before full rebuttal. We cannot do that now that Medicare for All has traction.
TPP, Basic Income, Iran, Marijuana, Liberals winning Conservative areas, and more
Unreleased interviews from Netroots Nation 2018 with experts on TPP, Basic Income, Iran, and more. We also talk Progressives winning Conservative districts.
We should all be Progressive Liberals if we understood what it meant
The Left has allowed the Right to corrupt the real meaning of Progressive Liberal because understanding its true value would ensure the demise of unfettered capitalism and the creation of a more egalitarian society.
Bomber caught and guess what? He is a Trump worshiping Republican
It has been a slow train of violence that can be directly tied to the hateful words and acts emanating from Donald Trump, the Electoral College but not the popular-vote-getting president.