The immigration disaster that we are experiencing right now is no accident. Trump knows the outrage is temporary but the divide and conquer is longer lasting.
While economy great unhappy Americans could temper House takeover
PROGRESSIVES: We don’t need to get negative but proactive. The turnout issue is fixable if we start telling ALL voters why we will make their lives better.
We need a different kind of journalism to cover Trump
Journalism, as practiced today, is incapable of mitigating the misinformation of Trump and the Right Wing effectively. We need a new paradigm.
Is a new journalism needed for an evil and willfully ‘stupid’ Trump administration
The Right is gaming journalism. As such, it is essential that journalists adopt a new paradigm. Many independents are, the mainstream media must.
Con man Trump continues to mark time for Republicans and his con may work!
The only things that can save the GOP in 2018 are either a continual distraction or a derelict Democratic Party Establishment. So far they have both.
Is the Democratic Party Establishment really stupid or anti-Progressive?
Racking one’s brain about the actions by the Democratic Party Establishment make one wonder if they fear Progressives more than Right Wing Fascist.
Trump’s evil move against preexisting conditions is life & death for millions
Donald Trump makes a heartless move against millions of Americans with preexisting conditions, constituents’ death sentence to enrich insurers.
Democrats need to be gearing up their attacks for GOP ACA Sabotage
It is happening and it is fierce. The rates for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are going through the roof. And it is all Trump and the GOP’s fault.`
Dr. Roy Eidelson discusses Trump, Authoritarians, Plutocrats, and more
Dr. Roy Eidelson deconstructs the current pathology of Trump, authoritarians, plutocrats and the designed disruption it creates for us all.
Republican Cornyn & Democrat to continue inhumanity at Mexican border
It is time for Cornyn & Cuellar to get serious about real immigration reform the inhumanity and embarrassment at the border must stop.