Julie Kindle Driscoll, a Trump voting Democrat will explain why many Democrats believe Progressives doing it wrong. – Donald Trump the Dictator
It is not the time for false compromises. We need a political derailment.
Compromise is important but it is essential that it isn’t one for the sake of but instead one seeking the necessary derailment to right the country’s course.
The 1% will be up-to-no-good to the nth degree in 2019. Progressives must be ready.
Progressives now represent the largest caucus in Congress. The 1% is likely getting ready to counteract that and we better be ready.
Why are the voices of Conservatives and Moderates given more value than Progressives?
Rarely do we ask Conservatives or Moderates to placate their language or writings to appease Progressives. Why then is such a concern to dilute the Progressive message to appease them?
Factions in the Democratic Party should be welcomed not attacked on any side
Factions he Democratic Party must take on the issue of their differences sooner rather than later as to determine the country’s policy direction.
Ignore the polls. Trump may be winning and Democrats better wake up
I am tired of the timidity and refusal to fight of the Democratic Party. As Progressives are fighting, many Democrats are refusing to engage settling instead for coasting to a win that may not happen.
Progressives must change the narrative to change the country’s indoctrination
Progressives are out-narrative(ed) by the Right Wing Indoctrination machine and that is why we generally lose many battles.
The “Liberal Media” is trying to depress Progressives but the truth will prevail
If one read the Liberal & other establishment papers the day after the last primaries one would think Progressives had a huge failure instead of the success they had.
Progressives and Democrats must unify at the grassroots level now
While Progressives and Democrats must not let up on the Democratic Party Establishment who continues to buck the left movement of the country, we must unite at the grassroots level.
Calling out Democratic Corporatists is not divisive but necessary
Many throughout the blogosphere and social media are attacking those calling out the Democratic Party Establishment and corporatists. Do not back down.