It is clear Single-payer Medicare for All has caught on. Both the media & many politicians acting as wards of the plutocracy could kill healthcare reform.
Medicare for All
Our healthcare system is a disgrace and these stories prove it.
We are at a breaking point. It is important that we get these stories out to help those indoctrinated by fear will support the new healthcare system, Single-Payer Medicare for All.
Support Single-Payer Medicare for All: Do not justify an immoral health care system
It is time to stop beating around the bush. We must have Medicare for All. The American healthcare system is an evil and immoral enterprise. It has stolen the lives and wealth of too many already.
Medicare for All hit job in The Economist debunked by a Doctor who knows
During the ACA debate, supporters allowed lies & misinformation to cauterize before full rebuttal. We cannot do that now that Medicare for All has traction.
Forget Washington circus. We must sharpen our “for-the-people” narrative
The story is neither Mueller, Rosenstein, or Russia in this Midterm 2018 Election. It is about Medicare for All, Criminal Justice, Social Security, and real issues.
Let’s get real about Single-Payer Medicare for All one more time
We must talk about Single-Payer Medicare for all ad nauseam because healthcare is existential and the corporate pilferers continue to mislead.
Single-Payer Medicare for All explained and how to transition to it
It is imperative that we start discussing not only the benefits of single-payer Medicare for All but what transitioning will look like. We must fend off the forthcoming fear tactics that will be coming from the Plutocracy.
Americans have awoken. It must be a sprint to Medicare for All now!
The lies from the Plutocracy about single-payer Medicare for all continues but the reality that Americans are experiencing with their failed health care and simple math is forcing them to see the truth.
Stop the terribly bad reporting on Single-Payer Medicare for All
Americans will ultimately realize that all the obstacles to Single-Payer are not financial but instead caused by the private sector’s refusal to accept that it is immoral to profit from the sick.
It is the time to get on the streets to demand Medicare for All
There is virtual silence about the things that immediately affect Americans. Today we talk about one of them, healthcare, the Affordable Care Act, and Medicare for All.