This is how the Plutocracy brainwashes people. Create a damaging false narrative about Democratic Socialism and willful corporate slavery soon follows.
Coffee Party Shows
Why billionaires and ultra-millionaires are a danger to free enterprise
It does not matter how benevolent the wealthy, an economy with billionaires & ultra-millionaires destroy opportunities for the masses by design.
Trump voting Democrat thinks Progressives full of it – Trump the Dictator
Julie Kindle Driscoll, a Trump voting Democrat will explain why many Democrats believe Progressives doing it wrong. – Donald Trump the Dictator
Philip Howard wants to press a reset on our laws – Amazon New York swindle averted
Author & Lawyer Philip Howard believes gridlock can end by rewriting all the rules – Amazon drops plans for headquarters in NY. Good riddance.
Tamara Shealey on Kamala Harris & more – Roy Cohen on Ilhan Omar shakedown
eekly guest will discuss Kamala Harris & more – Roy Cohen was none too happy on my take on Dems response to Ilhan Omar.
Daniel Lee, from Progressive Activist to Politician – Democratic Socialism revisited
Daniel Lee made the necessary leap many Progressives must if we are going to become the society we are fighting for. It is more than just activism in the streets.
Dr. Peter Ward sheds light on The Green New Deal & Landscape of Climate change
Dr. Peter Ward discusses Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Sen. Ed Markey’s Green New Deal & discusses climate change. Then, Medicare for All.
Moderates and Centrists Democrats need not apply: Been there, Done that.
The 2020 election season is about to begin. The insanity must stop. We will not repeat the 2020 mistake. Centrists and moderates are not the answer.
Robby Caban: #NotYourAverageRealEstateAgent, She brings it on in Atlanta & beyond.
There are too many unsung heroes in the movement to better all of our lives. Robby Caban, a real estate agent is one & On our last segment, we continue Medicare for All.
The Great American Myth & Human Extinction with Dr. David Korten
It all comes together as Dr. David Korten discusses America’s foundation/democracy myth & the civilizational transition of humanity. Later we discuss Medicare for All.