The two days of the Democratic Debate are over. It is now the time to evaluate and tie the candidates’ words to policy. Most importantly, we must untangle the deception coming from many sides.
Coffee Party Shows
Dem Debate, O’Donnell slams Deutsch on Elizabeth Warren, & “Build a Movement 2020”
Three segments today: A more exciting than expected Dem Debate. Lawrence O’Donnell checked Donny Deutsch’s Elizabeth Warren diss. Paul Zeitz talks about his “Build a Movement 2020.”
This is what an economic collapse looks like in slow motion.
This is part two of yesterday’s discussion on our economic collapse. So how exactly is it collapsing and what’s the answer?
White father of two black kids wants a better discussion than the Biden type racism.
After receiving the PDR newsletter, the director of the Franciscan Action Network took us to task on our limited addressing of racism when talking about Biden words.
Biden trying to out-Trump a non-out-Trump-able Trump
Poor Joe Biden. He believes after failing two times that the third time will be the charm. He thinks the trick is to be more like Trump with the Uncle Joe smile. I am sure he must not be the Democratic nominee.
Chuck Todd’s orchestrated attack on Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a manifestation of Establishment fear.
Is the Democratic Establishment pulling one over the base by allowing GOP’s three-dimensional fear of Biden chess? And Tamara Shealey discusses the reparation debate.
GOP’s disingenuous fear of Biden to then crush him -Should reparations be on the agenda?
Is the Democratic Establishment pulling one over the base by allowing GOP’s three-dimensional fear of Biden chess? And Tamara Shealey discusses the reparation debate.
Brazil’s Right Wing truth & MSM failures require a robust Independent Progressive Media
Bobby Rodrigo discusses the Right Wing takeover in Brazil, and its similarities in the U.S. Mainstream Media continuous appeasement to the Plutocracy necessitates a robust Independent Progressive Media.
Billionaires beware. If she means what she says Elizabeth Warren is your deserved nightmare.
Unfortunately, the media is covering the Democratic primary as a horse race as opposed to a necessary competition of ideas to move the country forward. Elizabeth Warren seems to be bucking the trend as her ideas take hold.
Rev. Barber ‘s impeachment rally, Ocasio-Cortez revenge, Robert Reich: No to Socialism trope
Rev. Dr. William Barber ‘s impeachment rally was successful but poorly covered. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a message to the DCCC with her actions. Robert Reich dismisses the Socialism trope.