I never had any doubt that Brett Kavanaugh would be confirmed. The only thing to stop it is fear that there is something deemed discernably impeachable by most.
DSA co-chair Nick Bunce discusses important events – Brett Kavanaugh, WHY?
Houston Democratic Socialist of America co-chair Nick Bunce tells us about important upcoming events and of course, we must address the Brett Kavanaugh debacle.
This is why Republican women support Kavanaugh and Trump-alikes
Republican women have a serious problem as they continue to support GOP politicians whose values and actions are at best suspect at worse criminal.
Old style journalism killing America: Independent media a must now!
Watch any channel today and see how old-style journalism gets played mostly by the Right and corporations. We must support Independent media that have no constraints
Election 2018 is about the bullies and the bullied not Right versus Left
Election 2018 must be framed as not one of Republican versus Democrat, Right versus Left but bullies versus the bullied and right versus wrong.
Candidate Dan Wood (D-TX 05) turning another district blue
Texas Democratic Congressional District 5 Candidate Dan Wood joins us to discuss turning his district blue with the Progressive ideas they need.
Texas next lieutenant governor Mike Collier discusses winning Texas
Democratic Candidate for Lieutenant Governor Mike Collier traveled throughout Texas and will discuss what Democrats must do to win Texas.
Dr. Roy Eidelson discusses his piece ‘Political Mind Games: The Kavanaugh File’
Dr. Roy Eidelson deconstructs the pathology of the Kavanaugh event in a broader perspective that every American must understand now!
Forget Washington circus. We must sharpen our “for-the-people” narrative
The story is neither Mueller, Rosenstein, or Russia in this Midterm 2018 Election. It is about Medicare for All, Criminal Justice, Social Security, and real issues.
Trump Voters, here is yet another example he is not on your side
The Republicans are hedging their bets. They expect a big loss so they want to get all the looting in before the 2018 election and will sacrifice the Trump voter.