The 2020 election season is about to begin. The insanity must stop. We will not repeat the 2020 mistake. Centrists and moderates are not the answer.
Coffee Party Shows
Robby Caban: #NotYourAverageRealEstateAgent, She brings it on in Atlanta & beyond.
There are too many unsung heroes in the movement to better all of our lives. Robby Caban, a real estate agent is one & On our last segment, we continue Medicare for All.
The Great American Myth & Human Extinction with Dr. David Korten
It all comes together as Dr. David Korten discusses America’s foundation/democracy myth & the civilizational transition of humanity. Later we discuss Medicare for All.
What does Democratic Socialism look like? Not all that different!
Democratic Socialism, the S-Word Americans were taught to fear. Until we open our minds the Plutocrats, Oligarchs, Billionaires will keep us in chains.
Outlaw ability to become Billionaire & Roy Cohen on GOP Racist Facebook Post
We discuss why it is impossible for someone to become a billionaire fairly. – Jewish Texan Roy Cohen tackles Texas GOP’s racist Facebook post.
Billionaires running for president are not self-made. They are parasites.
Why are so many billionaires interested in the Presidency? They want to protect their loot. Tamara Shealey talks women running for President.
The media attacks on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is clearly directed for a reason
It is clear that the plutocracy is scared of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Their wards, some in the mainstream media are starting to come into their rescue.
We have a national emergency. Its name is Donald Trump, a clear and present danger.
While Politics Done Right discusses Donald Trump, we never center on him. Today, we will center on him for it is important to understand his pathology and destructiveness.
Democrats need Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: What the hell Venezuela?
America is setting up to have concurrent Plutocracies pilfer the Venezuelans once again. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is destroying the acquiescent modal of the Democratic Party.
Community Activist Dr. Dona Murphey talks the issues. Ocasio-Cortez, I’ve got your back.
Real activism occurs one individual at a time uniting others who want to make a change. Both Dona Murphey and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez epitomizes that reality.