It has been a slow train of violence that can be directly tied to the hateful words and acts emanating from Donald Trump, the Electoral College but not the popular-vote-getting president.
Let’s revisit pipe bombs, October Surprises, Talking Points, & Democrats
Democrats must not succumb to the made up October Surprises. They must use the pipe bombs, economy, deficits, and healthcare to tag Republicans.
Democrats: Make Trump responsible for bombs delivered to Trump critics
Many have been calling out Donald Trump for his vile and obscene rhetoric against the media, Progressives, and Democrats. The president is destructive to the fabric of America.
The October Surprise is here and it is not what you think. It is PANIC time!
The October Surprise came disguised, instead of singular we got three October Surprises. We better counteract them now before it’s too late.
Midterm 2018 is here! We vote we win. We don’t. We lose. That simple.
There is absolutely no reason why Progressives should not win the Senate and the House of Representatives in Midterm 2018. None! Let’s get busy and give everyone a reason to vote.
County Judge Lina Hidalgo visits – Why every Progressive must vote
Harris County Texas County Judge candidate discusses her race. How does this reflect America as a whole? Here 25 reasons why every Progressive must vote.
Remember the Oilers vs the Buffalo Bills – Blue Wave? This thing ain’t over
Many are convinced that Midterm 2018 is a foregone conclusion. Democrats will ride a Blue Wave right back into political relevance throughout the country statewide and federally. Hold your horses.
Your vote in Midterm 2018 will determine if you have real health care
This one of the most consequential elections as it will determine if you will have real health care and financial stability. Healthcare and in particular Medicare is on the ballot along with everything that makes a humane society.
Ignore the polls. Trump may be winning and Democrats better wake up
I am tired of the timidity and refusal to fight of the Democratic Party. As Progressives are fighting, many Democrats are refusing to engage settling instead for coasting to a win that may not happen.
This is how we ensure the Kavanaugh loss does not hurt Midterm 2018
Many Americans, many for the first time, activated themselves for this just cause. It seemed some Republicans would do the right thing. In the end, they reverted to form. Kavanaugh is the 2nd misogynist on the Supreme Court. This is how we reinflate those who feel dejected.