Many are baffled that it seems Republicans are unable to buck a President so far out of touch with their purported values. Don’t be fooled, they know what the are doing.
Donald Trump
Trump caved as expected but he may have already won the game
Yes, Trump caved but only he proved a very important point to his base, he will continue to be a racist xenophobe irrespective of blowback from Progressives or his party.
Con man Trump continues to mark time for Republicans and his con may work!
The only things that can save the GOP in 2018 are either a continual distraction or a derelict Democratic Party Establishment. So far they have both.
Trump’s evil move against preexisting conditions is life & death for millions
Donald Trump makes a heartless move against millions of Americans with preexisting conditions, constituents’ death sentence to enrich insurers.
It is the time that we stop Trump now – Albright is right.
This is the new world of Trump. He is killing us with a thousand tweets. He is destroying this country from within and from without.
Evangelicals, the death of their morality and decency & path to degeneracy
It is not only Left Wing Liberals or Progressives who now affirmatively describe Evangelicals now as more than hypocrites
Journalist goes nuclear on Trump, is it not time for his voters too?
This week Journalist Thomas Friedman went nuclear on Donald Trump. It is far overdue from writers of his stature. There is the feeling out there that Trump is losing a grip on reality.
Trump’s staff proves if you sleep with dogs you rise with fleas
The Trump administration has been a mess so far and when the scandals and misdeeds are enumerated it is clear that we are where we have never been before.
America’s Greatest National Disaster, President Donald J. Trump
Today Donald Trump gives his first State of the Union speech. He will lie and misinform so we decided to preempt his SOTU.
Trump supporters, will you please wake up for the sake of the country
Irrespective of the reasons why Trump Supporters voted for likely the most corrupt and deceiving politician in the country’s history, it is time to put country over ideology.