The economic system, the political system, and the mainstream media are all run by the same Plutocracy. They are steering candidates and policies.
Coffee Party Shows
The Democratic Party has been infiltrated by Right Wing hacks!
Anyone who watched the both CNN Democratic Debates must acknowledge that an attempted hijack of the Democratic Party is in play.
Are Progressives and Democrats snatching defeat from victory?
Fear is a bad thing. Now many Democrats are wondering if their policies will snatch defeat from victory. Tamara Shealey joins us.
Congressman assaults Move to Amend Director – Voter Education Project on ‘Enabled Capitalism’
Congressman Bob Gibbs assaulted Move To Amend Director Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap: Karl Smith, founder of Voter Education Project speaks on Enabled Capitalism.
Dr. America Sanjeev. K Sriram, a supporter of Bernie Sanders & Jayapal’s Medicare for All speaks.
Dr. America Sanjeev. K Sriram did not pull any punches as he explained Medicare for All, for all to understand in one sitting at Netroots Nation 2019.
Impeach Trump now or become just another banana republic sooner than we think.
As one listened to the Mueller Hearings yesterday even as they were crimes we knew about, hearing it in the halls of Congress made it real. Time to impeach.
Mueller hearings, concentration camps, & national divisions 2020 impact
Today’s Mueller hearings were no bust but changed nothing. Concentration camps and national divisions and much more will color this election.
Progressives win and will win if we fearlessly promote our values
Many want to beat Trump by doing the purported safe thing, the definition of insanity. Progressives will win if they don’t, cower.
Intercept’s Ryan Grim talks Democratic Party problems including AOC & The Squad
I caught up with the Intercept’s D.C. Bureau Chief Ryan Grim at Netroots Nation 2019 and discussed the Democratic Party and his new book.
Is it time for the Working Families caucus in Congress led by the Squad?
The Squad is not comprised of Left-Wing ideologues. They support values that working families want and need. It is time for Democrats to stand up.