Colin Kaepernick has been under attack for protesting about the mistreatments of people of color, yet Donald Trump as perpetrator gets a pass.
E.U. forcing Apple to pay taxes and our government balks, really?
We will talk about the Europeans Union’s judgment against Ireland and Apple demanding that they pay back taxes and stop defrauding the Irish people.
Let us understand our health care system and force its restructure
This week several things occurred that dictates that our entire health care system is revamped. To be more specific, it needs to be completely restructured.
It is time to fight for Single-payer Medicare-for-all NOW
It is abundantly clear that it is time to re-engage in the healthcare debate and that single-payer Medicare-for-all is the only solution we must support.
Trump’s pivot with new campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and appeals for the black vote
Is this the final pivot for Trump as he hires his critic Kellyanne Conway as campaign manager while appealing for the black vote?
Trump’s scab opening presents an opportunity we must take to eradicate our infection
Trump is but America’s exaggerated alter ego. Racism is an ingrained problem that was taught from the inception of the United States.
Conservatives admit Trump’s plan would hurt economy
Donald Trump purports to be a populist supporting those forgotten by the Democratic party, yet his economic plan is a danger for his most avid supporters.
It is time for progressives to win the Democratic narrative
The Democratic narrative must change if it is to regain the votes of the lower working class white citizens inasmuch as the policies are the right ones.
Coffee Party Directors discuss the upcoming presidential election
I am not voting against Donald Trump. I am voting for Hillary Clinton as the better choice among all the current crop of candidates.
My Democratic National Convention experience differs from the mainstream media
My experience at the Democratic National Convention was much different than what is being characterized by the media. They are creating their narrative.