Tamara Johnson-Shealey is a Progressive who is following all of the tenets of activating and engaging her constituency to give her the opportunity to win a difficult district.
The Politics Done Right Daily launches w/ Our Revolution’s candidate Rick Treviño
Today Politics Done Right Daily launches with OurRevolution Texas District 23 Democratic Candidate Rick Trevino who will discuss how Progressive candidates will win.
The time is now for Americans to mobilize to remove the existential threat
Americans, what exactly are you waiting for before you act like the strong people you are. Donald Trump and his supporting cabal must go.
Democrats: Define the Republican tax cut scam as a easily understood theft
Be careful of a future sugar high. The Republicans have passed the largest heist on Americans. The tax cut scam is not well understood by most Americans.
Progressives must not buy into the hype of the Alabama win lest we miss the war
The win in Alabama was great. It proved that with good organization and a bad opposing candidate we can eek out a win. Progressives must stay alert.
Is it time to hit the streets and say no to GOP tax cut scam?
The number one issue right now is the Republican tax cut scam. We must not allow it to stand as the results from it are far-reaching and economy changing.
Progressives must take control of legislatures district by district
Now more than ever it is time for a Progressive renaissance in the U.S Choosing the protagonists begins in the primaries. Progressives are up to the task.
This is the type of economy we must demand now
Today I am going to discuss the type of economy American must demand. I will touch on what is occurring right now and what we need to do to fix it.
Politics Done Right is going to a daily format in 2018
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies has an important announcement that will change the structure of the show to make it more accessible.
Going after the Trump voter revisited after the huge 2017 wins
After the huge Virginia win, some disturbing articles in effect said to hell with the Trump voter, to hell with the angry white man voter.