The blame game for Obamacare’s upcoming stratospheric rise in price has begun and Democrats and Progressives may be caught flat-footed.
These incidents are examples why people of color must stay clear of justice system
I do not say this in jest. People must do as much as necessary to stay clear of the American Justice System until there is real racial societal change.
Texas Republican defending lawmakers healthcare dereliction draws ire of listener
A listener of Politics Done Right would have none of it. She is living the Republican healthcare disaster that they caused in the state of Texas.
Two conservatives, a couple visit to discuss areas of agreement
These two conservatives show that if one really works at it one can find areas of agreement that move the dialogue forward.
Democratic win in Pennsylvania should be a learning experience
The Democratic win in Pennsylvania feels good. It is important to learn something very important for the manner in which Conor Lamb campaigned.
Hillary Clinton told a truth few wanted to hear but needed to be revealed
Hillary Clinton got in a lot of hot water with some of her major haters as she told an inconvenient truth. The thing is, she is absolutely right.
Evangelicals, the death of their morality and decency & path to degeneracy
It is not only Left Wing Liberals or Progressives who now affirmatively describe Evangelicals now as more than hypocrites
2018 Election may be Foreman vs Ali and the Democrats may be Foreman
Anyone who has seen videos of the Foreman vs. Ali fight probably sees similarities with that bout and the 2018 elections. Democrats, wake up!
Progressives no different than the population at large, really
While Progressives reflect the at-large population, there is one significant difference that is the saving grace that we must learn to leverage effectively.
Reaction to calls for apology for Women’s March leadership’s antisemitism disconcerting
Progressives must stop bending to faux-Progressives who purport to work under our value system but fails to live up to it in deeds. National Women’ leadership is exhibit 1.