Anyone who has seen videos of the Foreman vs. Ali fight probably sees similarities with that bout and the 2018 elections. Democrats, wake up!
Progressives no different than the population at large, really
While Progressives reflect the at-large population, there is one significant difference that is the saving grace that we must learn to leverage effectively.
Reaction to calls for apology for Women’s March leadership’s antisemitism disconcerting
Progressives must stop bending to faux-Progressives who purport to work under our value system but fails to live up to it in deeds. National Women’ leadership is exhibit 1.
It is time that the American workers start huge national strikes
Nothing would put more fear into the plutocracy than for the American workers to start having national strikes until their demands for fair wages are met.
It is time that we elect women to office now
It is imperative that we elect women to office in this election cycle. We must break the insanity of doing things the same way and expecting a different result.
It is time that women assert power throughout government
Marilyn Burgess, Penny Shaw, and Diane Trautman are three distinguished women running for positions of leadership and service in Harris County.
This is how we maintain the momentum to ensure a Blue Wave in November
Democrats are poised for a Blue Wave in November if they play the appropriate populist card disregarding those who want a tempered message.
Trump’s tax cut scam working exactly as it was supposed to work
Many Progressives warned Americans about the damage Trump and the Republicans’ tax cut scam would effect on everyday Americans.
Some Democrats continue to promote Ronald Reagan’s policies
If Democrats are to win the trust of the people who most need their policies, they will have to unlearn what made the Reagan Democrats.
The Conservative leadership is killing us all and few realize it
Today’s Republican Party, the carrier of the Conservative mantra is a clear and present danger to America and must be neutralized in the next election.