The Left has allowed the Right to corrupt the real meaning of Progressive Liberal because understanding its true value would ensure the demise of unfettered capitalism and the creation of a more egalitarian society.
Progressive CD-22 Candidates Steve Brown & Sri Preston Kulkarni visit with us
We have two candidates running in Texas Congressional District 22 that will articulate why CD-22 must see them as the progressive alternative.
Progressives! Pure thoughts do not eliminate your racism, sexism, and other isms
Today we talk about racism and sexism that is just as rampant with Progressives as the general population. They don’t get a pass.
This Progressive and others are ready and running to give you back your country
Liz Watson decided that the people of Indiana House District 9 have had enough. She knows she is the progressive answer the district needs now.
A warning to Democrats, don’t allow the party to lose its progressive soul
It is imperative that the Democratic Party with its attempt of securing “center left and center right” candidates, is stymied. Progressive candidates must rule this election.
Progressive win in Wisconsin shows the way but Trump counts on terrorism
A Progressive win in a Trump district in Wisconsin speaks to a blue wave that Trump believes could be muted with a terrorist attack. Really Donald?
The media & establishment stealth attack on progressive movement exposed
The stealth attack on the real progressive movement comes from all directions. It even comes from parts of the establishment and media considered Liberal.
Only you can make government reflect the real progressive America
America is Liberal / Progressive nation whose poll numbers reflect that reality but whose government does not. Solution?
Conservative take on Baltimore debunked – 3 fingers pointing back
We discuss an excellent piece by New York Times writer Thomas B. Edsall titled “Sex, Drugs, and Poverty in Red and Blue America.” Conservatives beware.