Julie Kindle Driscoll, a Trump voting Democrat will explain why many Democrats believe Progressives doing it wrong. – Donald Trump the Dictator
Donald Trump
We have a national emergency. Its name is Donald Trump, a clear and present danger.
While Politics Done Right discusses Donald Trump, we never center on him. Today, we will center on him for it is important to understand his pathology and destructiveness.
Special guest John Pavlovitz discusses Trump & Evangelicals – Trump’s going nowhere folks
Pastor John Pavlovitz talks to us about Evangelicals’ attachment to Donald Trump. Afterward, we talk about the media’s Trump hyperventilation to nowhere.
Trump deporting Vietnamese? Understanding Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Tien Nguyen gives us scoop on Trump deporting Vietnamese. And, let’s understand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s modus operandi.
Do not follow Trump’s lead. We won and there was a Blue Wave!
President Trump said he and Republicans were victorious in Midterm 2018. It is imperative that Progressives and Democrats keep the narrative straight.
Don’t let Trump scare people into GOP win Midterm 2018- Guest Sri Preston Kulkarni
Americans cannot let Trump lie and scare them into voting against their own interest by using a vile form of racism and xenophobia. Guest: Sri Preston Kulkarni
Bomber caught and guess what? He is a Trump worshiping Republican
It has been a slow train of violence that can be directly tied to the hateful words and acts emanating from Donald Trump, the Electoral College but not the popular-vote-getting president.
Democrats: Make Trump responsible for bombs delivered to Trump critics
Many have been calling out Donald Trump for his vile and obscene rhetoric against the media, Progressives, and Democrats. The president is destructive to the fabric of America.
As the 2018 election approaches we must be diligent in calling out Trump lies
Lies have a tendency to become truths if they are not refuted early. Trump is on a tear about the economy. It’s the economy stupid. Let’s not let him re-frame the truth.
Senior White House Official who wrote the New York Times Op-Ed is no hero
Many hail the Senior Trump Official who wrote the New York Times op-ed as some hero. They are not. These unelected official are managing the president to continue the loot uninterrupted.