Many throughout the blogosphere and social media are attacking those calling out the Democratic Party Establishment and corporatists. Do not back down.
Coffee Party Shows
Be Afraid. Be very afraid of Democratic Socialism as it will destroy America. NOT!
Many young candidates and activists are the best ones in getting the real message about the real meaning of Democratic Socialism and they are getting elected.
Progressives & Democrats must be strategic if we are to win 2018
Infighting within the Democratic Party is unnecessary. If we remember it is not about us, the individual Democrats or the party but about the people we serve coexistence is easy.
Progressives could lose the 2018 election on the immigration issue
Progressives must pound the immigration issue on moral grounds without getting tunnel vision on what is afflicting many to little fanfare from us.
We do not need to despair but instead follow these marching orders
Disregard the pundit and professional analysts that continue to be wrong all of the times. Despair for many did not start with Trump. But we can end it.
I watched a friend turn into an outward racist before my eyes
For those who believe Trump & his cabal don’t know what they’re doing by bringing out the racist in many, wake up, it’s working better than many, believe.
Pharmaceutical companies are ripping us off and we just let them
Drug companies continue stealing our income and wealth with overpriced drugs taxpayers developed. It is time that we fight back and take the profits from the drugs we created.
The Plutocracy through the Supreme Court has all but destroyed labor unions
The Constitution’s Electoral College caused a virtual coup with the election of Donald Trump. The Supreme Court is systematically completing the removal of democracy in a move to a new slavery.
This is how the media fools you making sure you don’t see reality
This is an important illustrating the danger of a mainstream media outlet controlled by a plutocracy subliminally controlling how Americans think.
Trump is not making America great again. He is terrorizing his base and everyone else
Trump & Company cannot survive the decimation they are inflicting on all Americans, and that includes their base without a democracy killing enslavement.