I interviewed John Garcia, a Venezuelan activist and past friend of Juan Guaido, the illegitimate recognized president by many Western countries. He has a different truth for Progressives.
Coffee Party Shows
So what do Progressives need to do to win 2020? Lean in and be smart. Here is how.
An interview with an anti-Chavismo citizen of Venezuela made me do some thinking. He understands something about Progressives many don’t yet grasp completely. Foreigners have always understood American politics better than Americans.
We cannot allow anyone or anything to stop the Progressive agenda
Many Democrats want to start from a position of incrementalism. We are looking at the outcome to such a stance, the deconstruction of incrementally created Progressive policies.
Is it time for Progressives to discharge Obama? & Tamara talks on current politics
Call: (713) 526-5738 – Facebook LIVE – Live stream: KPFT (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: March 27th, 2019 President Obama met with the freshman class in Congress recently. While supportive he effectively implied applying the brakes on Progressives with the how-you-gonna-pay-for-it card. Tamara Shealey starts with the state of our current politics. You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here Support […]
Alycia Ramirez witnessed a healthcare system that killed – Need Medicare for All now
Her mother-in-law did not have to die. Our healthcare system killed her. Alycia Ramirez tells her story. Medicare for all is our only option to bring humane healthcare.
Activist Eleanor Goldfield: Democracy in dire straits & Why Houston’s Burning
Activist Eleanor Goldfield did not mince her words as she pointed out the systemic failure of the current political system suggesting that a third party is in order. Houston Metro, petro-capital is burning because …
Understand Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is right on that too.
We cannot allow the status quo to keep the poor and middle-class down. Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) will bring us a world where we can all prosper.
Interview with the Colombian ambassador reveals Venezuelan hidden danger
I interviewed Colombian Ambassador Francisco Santos about Venezuela. It proved to be more telling than I expected as many Latin American powers welcomed American tentacles.
Ian Reifowitz discusses Ilhan Omar statements – The Democratic Race
Ian Reifowitz, a Daily KOS contributor, wrote likely the most comprehensive critique of Ilhan Omar. He was complete yet not negative like most. He will explain why he thinks her statements were antisemitic.
Author & Investigative journalist Johnathan Greenberg had the goods on Trump before most
Jonathan Greenberg had the original tapes of Trump calling under a pseudonym to inflate his net worth. He understands the Thug-In-Chief better than most and his Washington Post and HuffPost exposes are probative.