Yet again I must have another show in a week where two black men were killed unnecessarily by police officers, one officer already indicted.
It will take economic pain before enough Americans wake up to police bias
Police bias is fatal. If the last few killings of black men by cops do not inform most people of this reality then only economic pain will.
Donald Trump, Birther, Election 2016, and the Truth
Many look at this birther week as the possible undoing of Donald Trump. The reality is, I am not sure if his play has failed yet.
It is all about misogyny. Will America defeat a con or misogyny?
There is a metastasized cancer in America that must be eradicated. It is called misogyny. Will America defeat a con or misogyny?
Donald Trump, Russia, economy, and the American angst
Today we discuss all things, Donald Trump. We discuss his love for Vladimir Puting. We discuss the Washington Post email story and the media now running scared of their creation.
A President Trump is an existential threat to America
Scholars and political analysts may attempt to analyze the rise of Donald Trump and cloak it in a type of collective psychosis by a segment of Americans.
Colin Kaepernick vs Donald Trump, a double standard
Colin Kaepernick has been under attack for protesting about the mistreatments of people of color, yet Donald Trump as perpetrator gets a pass.
E.U. forcing Apple to pay taxes and our government balks, really?
We will talk about the Europeans Union’s judgment against Ireland and Apple demanding that they pay back taxes and stop defrauding the Irish people.
Let us understand our health care system and force its restructure
This week several things occurred that dictates that our entire health care system is revamped. To be more specific, it needs to be completely restructured.
It is time to fight for Single-payer Medicare-for-all NOW
It is abundantly clear that it is time to re-engage in the healthcare debate and that single-payer Medicare-for-all is the only solution we must support.