Last week we aired several interviews with progressive activists. Today we air several more that are making a difference throughout the country.
Political candidates & Progressive Activists interviews at Netroots Nation 2017
Netroots Nation 2017 was a huge success. Here are several interviews with progressive political candidates and activists that are engaged in the resistance.
Yes, Trump is a white nationalist but remembering he is screwing us all
This is the week where many Trump supporters are realizing the evils Trump represent. But let’s not take our eyes off of the ball.
We better understand Trump’s game before it’s too late
Trump continues to push the envelope. This week he started the execution of his latest plan to divide the nation. Steve Bannon claims economic nationalism?
Progressives working hard to reclaim America and beyond
Progressives are aggregating at Netroots Nation in Atlanta to learn and plan their new actions for making 2018 the year of the progressives.
Political activist Eleanor Goldfield cancer, millennials, & single-payer
Eleanor Goldfield had an upfront seat to our health care system from her cancer diagnosis to her remission over the last two years.
Democrats need to campaign boldly with the Democratic Party Platform in hand
Democrats’ new slogan is completely uninspiring and cookie cutter. It says nothing either Republicans or Democrats alike have implied is their goal.
America needs a modernized Democratic Party that is willing to fight
Democrats are poised to pull defeat out of a potential victory because of the lack of new blood that is necessary to direct the way forward.
Would Trump revive Trumpcare as single-payer Medicare for all?
Democrats would do well to be more assertive in their support for single-payer lest the president triangulates around them and steal their thunder.
Why can’t Democrats capitalize on the Republican implosion?
Democrats seem unable to come up with a cogent message that talks to all Americans. Why? What do Democrats need to do? Can they do it?