John Perkins provided an all-encompassing discussion that covered Capitalism, Oligarchy, the environment, his new book “Touching the Jaguar” and much more.
Capitalism responsible for draconian inhumane COVID-19 response – Police exposed
You know who loves you by those who are around in your times of most need. It is clear our economic system, capitalism does not love you. – Police exposed.
Why the 2020 depression will not be televised – COVID-19 update.
COVID-19 simply sped up the lurking Depression. Just like the previous pain was not televised. Neither will be the coming catastrophe.
COVID-19 exposes American capitalism – Daniel Cohen on reopening economy
Daniel J. Cohen discusses the realities of reopening the economy. We discuss how COVID-19 exposes the fallacy within American Capitalism.
Coronavirus exposes the failure of efficient unfettered capitalism.
Coronavirus while novel, is a pandemic that could occur over and over especially with a connected world. The design of our current form of capitalism caves under this structure.
Oxfam: ‘Flawed & sexist’ capitalist system impoverishing billions.
The world economy is broken and it is our economic system that is wreaking havoc that has now reached our American shores. Oxfam is on point.
Economist Richard Wolff annihilates Whole Foods founder John Mackey in capitalism debate
Platitudes & delusion vs. Americans’ lived experiences. Professor Economist Richard Wolff schooled Whole Foods founder John Mackey on capitalism.
Plutocracy, Venezuela, Medicare for All, Capitalism, & Cuba confusion
Politics Done Right visited KPFT’s Conscious Mindset to discuss many current political issues. Plutocracy, Medicare for All, Capitalism, & Cuba. Greg Palast discusses Venezuela.
Trump will fight Democrats on Socialism. They must fight on a Fair & Moral Economy.
Democrats and Progressives must fight the 2020 election from the county level to the state level to the national level on their terms. Let Trump bloviate on socialism vs. capitalism. They must talk about making the economy fair and moral.
Can Democrats talk about Capitalism not working and win?
If we did not give economic systems names, everyone would say that a system that fails at least 80% is a failure. That is our system, and it is called Capitalism. Let’s make America smart again.