Jack Hunter, the aide to Rand Paul that resigned after his racist past as the Southern Avenger was revealed will discuss his transformation and goals.
Dylann Roof is the face of terrorism Americans should fear most
The terrorists we must fear most come from within. Dylann Roof is in fact the type of terrorists most of us will encounter, not ISIS or Muslim extremists.
Benevolent billionaires giving away their fortune is no excuse for a failed economic system
Billionaires giving most or a large percentage of their fortunes makes a wonderful story. Benevolent? That does not tell the much more complicated story.
Should we stop moralizing and give the police a break?
It is our peers in our society who continuously give bad police the benefit of the doubt and set them free to continue their bad deeds.
Patrick O’Heffernan, Chairman of the Netroots Foundation discusses 2016 election
Patrick O’Heffernan, Chairman of the Netroots Foundation, discusses progressives, the election of 2016, and beyond.
Is Bernie Sanders’ candidacy toast by his old essay?
Can a 43 year old essay have an impact on the Bernie Sanders candidacy? Does Americans allow satire from politicians?
Rand Paul triangulating Hillary Clinton and no one is noticing
Today we discuss Rand Paul playing chess while all the other candidates including Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are playing checkers.
Thom Hartmann talks corporate personhood, money in politcs
Thom Hartmann was interviewed on Move to Amend Reports. He covered his new book and much more. He supports the Move to Amend mission.
I speak to reformed ‘anti-Obamacare Republican’ Luis Lang
I will interview Luis Lang, the ‘anti-Obamacare Republican’ whose story went viral on the Internet over the last two weeks.
What game is Obama playing with the TPP? A bargain? A ruse?
Once again we will be discussing the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). This is an important subject that is getting little media coverage.