This journalist claims Obamacare has made Americans more Conservative. He misses the point of the report in justifying his statement. Here is the reality.
Is the Rand Paul Coalition a morphed Obama Coalition?
Rand Paul will win if he is successful in morphing the Obama coalition into the Rand Paul Coalition, different but a coalition no less.
Codified prejudice in an attempt to force their will
We tackle codified prejudice. There is one party in this country that simply cannot move into the enlightenment of the 21st century.
Supporting unions is existential for middle-class survival
It is time for Americans to get with the program. It is time that Americans remember that unions were responsible for the success of the middle-class.
The People’s Budget, the budget you never heard of
Did you know that there is a budget out there that is a middle-class centric budget? It is neither Obama’s budget nor the Republican’s budget.
Paul Krugman slams fraudulent GOP budgets urging populist anger
Paul Krugman excoriates released Republican budgets for its level of deception and immorality as it transfers wealth from the middle-class to the few.
Whether it is Iran or Venezuela it is always about war and oil
Senator Tom Cotton and forty six Republicans attempted to sabotage the the President of the US and his negotiations with Iran. Did it really fail?
Is welfare for the rich the same as welfare for the poor?
We will discuss the GOP for supporting policies for the rich that goes completely against their tenets for the poor. Hypocrisy reigns unabatedly.
Prescient national topics and a talk with David Cobb and Shamako Noble
Today we discuss a few prescient national topic. We will have David Cobb and Shamako Noble to discuss Hip Hop Congress, corporate rule, & The Social Forum.
Pandering to an Israeli warmongering thuggish bully
This week should have been embarrassing to Republicans. A foreign head of state, Benjamin Netanyahu dictated policy in the House of the American people.