We are at a breaking point. It is important that we get these stories out to help those indoctrinated by fear will support the new healthcare system, Single-Payer Medicare for All.
Can we fix Capitalism or is it time to move on from its coercion of our politics and social norms
The dynamism and great structures were built under Capitalism. Can they be sustained under the current model or is it time for a new economy that acknowledges humanity?
Benign Slavery? That is the false choice the Plutocracy gives to the worker
People don’t yet get it. They do not need to acquiesce to benign slavery. The reality is they are in control and working together we can extinguish the Plutocracy.
Why we need independent media? Mainstream media failing to report GOP path to fascism
It is time to act. As mainstream media fails to show urgency as GOP slow-walk us to fascism, the Progressive Independent media must activate in droves.
Republicans steal elections in more ways than one and some are blatant
Projection? It’s Republicans who steal elections virtually & literally. And it is on display throughout the country for all to see in real time.
No Labels? Or is this really nothing but a Republican ploy cloaked in moderation
No Labels shows yet another method that is used to fool people into supporting an astroturf movement that does nothing to change the status quo but makes it worse.
This woman proves that mental slavery is worse than enslavement by chains
I listened to a radio show last night that bothered me all night because what I heard on it was a catalyst to so much that is wrong with our society, the enslavement of the mind.
Support Single-Payer Medicare for All: Do not justify an immoral health care system
It is time to stop beating around the bush. We must have Medicare for All. The American healthcare system is an evil and immoral enterprise. It has stolen the lives and wealth of too many already.
Mississippi is not all that different from the rest of the country
If we do not start understanding that Mississippi is not all that much different than the rest of the country. While it easy to look down on them, our percentage win in Blue States should give us pause.
Mississippi voted as most expected them to but all is not lost
It will take a lot of work to solve the problems of the country. But when you have a dead weight of the past lingering and weaponized it is that more difficult. Mississippi proved that.