Fox News host Maria Bartiromo was exposed. Medicare Advantage is a fraud we must obliterate. The country is more democratic.
Fox News
Biden supports capitalism but not its outcome? GOP band book but pushes firearms.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Biden declared war on oil corporations but praises capitalism, the tool they use to screw us all. Check out all the stories.
Jason Miller talks Joe Manchin, Fox News survival radicalization, Most-Of-The-Rich = Parasites
Franciscan Action Network’s Jason Miller discusses Senator Joe Manchin’s intransigence. Tax dodging rich parasites exposed. Fox News radicalized for its survival.
Flipping McCarthy’s district, Psaki cleans Fox News’ clock; Systemic racism is this, Cop attack.
McCarthy’s district, more so than most, benefits from Democratic bills. Psaki is at it again. This is what systemic racism looks like.
Meghan McCain fighting dying GOP, Teachers get a bad rap, voter suppression, & more
Meghan McCain thinks GOP taken over by heretics. We are doing wrong by our teachers. This is voter suppression. And much more.
Economist Dean Baker exposes pharmaceuticals, Fox News caves, Pundit on autocrat Trump, more
Dr. Dean Baker sheds important light on the COVID-19 vaccine economics. Fox News backtrack voter machines, & autocrat Trump exposed.
Fox News late to the truth, Tim Ward discusses plan to put truth into politics, GA GOP guy blows!
Tim Ward, journalist/author discusses putting the truth back into politics. Fox News says what now? GOP guy in Georgia could take it no more.
A childlike privileged Trump, Attacks on Progressives, Fox News, cuts a lying administration.
A childlike Trump continues to pout about his loss damaging his image as Biden’s calm excels. Progressives attacked. Really Fox News?
The real reason I think DNC doesn’t want debates on Fox News
Why would the DNC not want to have Democratic Primary debates on Fox News? I think the real answers are more dubious than most would believe. And it is BERNIE!
Does Chuck Todd believe you are stupid? A rewrite of history?
Chuck Todd showed an interesting form of self-serving projection as he tried to absolve the mainstream media from fault instead putting it squarely on Fox News. How quickly has he forgotten his complicity?