Trump’s poll numbers are more than steady, they are rising. Let’s discuss that and why it is possible to create a positive out of this coronavirus pandemic.
Donald Trump
Coronavirus exposes politicians who value the economy at the expense of humanity.
The callousness of the Trump cabal is clear. These politicians have little concern for working Americans, coronavirus be damned.
An unhinged coronavirus driven Trump a danger to truth & freedom
Coronavirus is causing an unhinged Donald Trump day by day. Make no mistake, he is like an animal in a corner and that is when they are at the most dangerous.
COVID-19, Oil, Stock, Debt Market Crash makes status quo candidate a danger.
COVID-19 should not cause the economic catastrophe in progress. We are experiencing the metastasizing cancer of neoliberalism & unfettered capitalism.
Here’s why Donald Trump may not be all that bad. Really?
The thing is with Trump is what you see is what you get. In that light, Trump may not be as bad as his benefactors or the chameleons.
Trump invests in carpet-bombing as Democrats continue the insanity?
Trump & his minions are already in election mode using independent & non-traditional media to misinform Americans. Democrats continue the insanity of the past.
State of the Union is Trump’s roadmap to win if Democrats don’t …
Donald Trump’s State of the Union was a farce that could work if Democrats do not come out and address it forcefully — not just the lies but the sentiment.
Donald Trump will be reelected unless we boldly expose him on all fronts.
If Iowa and recent party machinations continue, Donald Trump will be reelected. Unless Trump is exposed to both Trumpists and Republicans, they will keep him.
Bernie Sanders surge – Trump doing something the left must get busy doing.
The Bernie Sanders surge is real and the mainstream media is covering it. The Trump team is working in a discipline methodical method. Wake up Left.
Trump screwing rural America: Only Medicare for all can save their health.
Trump’s rural base believe he is in it for them. In reality, he is killing them, bankrupting them, or both. Medicare for All is a partial answer for them.