Former Congressman Alan Grayson challenges those who attempt to blame progressives for subpar Democratic performance. AOC, Van Jones, & more.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Democrats better for economy, AOC did it, Indivisible Houston’s Daniel Cohen on DNC, & More.
The economy does better under Democrats so why does Trump lead in that poll? Indivisible Houston President Daniel Cohen speaks on DNC & more. AOC did it.
Author Russell Heath talks progressive balkanization, Portland fascism, AOC slams Yoho.
Author Russell Heath talks about the dangers of progressive balkanization. DHS secretary spins Trump’s fascist act in Portland. AOC slams misogynist Ted Yoho on House Floor.
AOC is right, the Radical, Extreme-Left agenda is really the moral agenda America wants.
A tweet from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently gave me both pause and resolve. The Radical, Extreme-Left agenda isn’t that at all. It’s America’s agenda.
We cannot allow Donald Trump to use racism as the springboard to a second term.
Trump can use racism to win back the White House. But the punditry has got it wrong. They think he it’s to keep his base in line. That is not it at all.
Intercept’s Ryan Grim talks Democratic Party problems including AOC & The Squad
I caught up with the Intercept’s D.C. Bureau Chief Ryan Grim at Netroots Nation 2019 and discussed the Democratic Party and his new book.
Is it time for the Working Families caucus in Congress led by the Squad?
The Squad is not comprised of Left-Wing ideologues. They support values that working families want and need. It is time for Democrats to stand up.
Chuck Todd’s orchestrated attack on Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a manifestation of Establishment fear.
Is the Democratic Establishment pulling one over the base by allowing GOP’s three-dimensional fear of Biden chess? And Tamara Shealey discusses the reparation debate.
Rev. Barber ‘s impeachment rally, Ocasio-Cortez revenge, Robert Reich: No to Socialism trope
Rev. Dr. William Barber ‘s impeachment rally was successful but poorly covered. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a message to the DCCC with her actions. Robert Reich dismisses the Socialism trope.
Why does the Establishment fear these four women
The Establishment is coming to terms with what equitable power will look and sound like in these four women. They represent a voice that was always ignored with the expectation of acquiescence.