Successful protests like the Democracy Spring actions are great, but a sustainable progressive revolution requires much more involvement w/ the grassroots.
KPFT Shows
Donald Trump not the longshot many believe him to be
There is no parallel to the current election. These are very strange times. And the truth is it favors Donald Trump even if the polls do not show it yet.
The political revolution must continue irrespective of election outcome
Disengagement & a lax revolution is responsible for a dysfunctional government and the continued growth of the American oligarchy, the American plutocracy.
Does Hillary Clinton strong NY win mean we are acquiescing to a deficient new normal?
Young people are fed up with Democrats who they feel are acquiescing to a deficient new normal. This may make the next election a shocker.
Does Bernie Sanders’ Single-payer/Medicare-for-all sound good now?
It will likely take the death of close loved ones from middle-class Americans with insurance to slap some single-payer sense into Americans.
Will the Democrats implode like the Republican Primary?
While Democrats have been basking in the civil war occurring in the Republican Party, they should have been looking in the mirror. Here is a reality.
The media & establishment stealth attack on progressive movement exposed
The stealth attack on the real progressive movement comes from all directions. It even comes from parts of the establishment and media considered Liberal.
Disproportionate media coverage of issues are killing us in more ways than one
The coverage of the Brussels event and the lack of coverage of most other issues of existential interest to Americans necessitates alternative media support.
Bernie Sanders supporters must remain the alter ego of the Democratic Party
If Hillary Clinton wins, Bernie Sanders voters should support her with the understanding that the movement will keep her true to her populist transformation.
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump redefining gatekeepers
The gatekeepers of the American plutocracy, the Republican Party, the Corporate Media, and the Corporate Wing of the Democratic party are petrified.