Marilyn Burgess, Penny Shaw, and Diane Trautman are three distinguished women running for positions of leadership and service in Harris County.
KPFT Shows
We need to revamp our entire economic system to save the masses
It’s time that Americans learn some economics and come to the realization that our current economic system is unsustainable and transition to one that works.
Progressive CD-22 Candidates Steve Brown & Sri Preston Kulkarni visit with us
We have two candidates running in Texas Congressional District 22 that will articulate why CD-22 must see them as the progressive alternative.
Progressives! Pure thoughts do not eliminate your racism, sexism, and other isms
Today we talk about racism and sexism that is just as rampant with Progressives as the general population. They don’t get a pass.
The warning is out! The trend says Democratic Wave could be GOP pickup
I have been warning Democrats about the Democratic Party Establishment inability to capitalize on their opponent being down.
Why Democrats fail at winning – Government shutdown illustrates why
Today we discuss why Democrats fail illustrated with their cave during the Government Shutdown. Carolina Ramirez of United We Dream is our special guest.
Trump & GOP building the narrative to stymie 2018 Blue Wave
The Blue Wave is not a certainty & we fight assuming that reality. The directions won’t come from the party. It will come from within you.
We continue to distract ourselves at our own peril – Stay woke
It is time to engage Americans and their representative politicians, district by district. And I mean both federal districts and state districts. Trump must not distract us.
The time is now for Americans to mobilize to remove the existential threat
Americans, what exactly are you waiting for before you act like the strong people you are. Donald Trump and his supporting cabal must go.
Democrats: Define the Republican tax cut scam as a easily understood theft
Be careful of a future sugar high. The Republicans have passed the largest heist on Americans. The tax cut scam is not well understood by most Americans.