Opponents of Medicare for All are usually older and somewhat lacking the empathy for perceived self-interest. Boomer Granny healthcare reality just may change that.
Coffee Party Shows
Losing the American Dream, Real Estate Agents expose the industry
Several real estate professionals expose in detail some dirty big secrets in the real estate business that is causing the loss of the American Dream.
Trump screwing rural America: Only Medicare for all can save their health.
Trump’s rural base believe he is in it for them. In reality, he is killing them, bankrupting them, or both. Medicare for All is a partial answer for them.
Corporate Media forced to cover Bernie Sanders on the rise
They tried to beat Bernie Sanders by ignoring him. They found out that it was impossible to beat a real message especially one that is existential.
Democrats will win big in 2020 if they don’t succumb to establishment driven fear.
Fear is the biggest driving factor to do something or to freeze in place. Voting allows most to do something but external forces can set the wrong path.
Impeaching Trump is just the start. Here is where we go from here.
Impeaching Trump is just the start. Here is where we go from here. There is so much more to do and we will do move forward.
Trump cut Social Security in a backhanded fashion. Exploding private insurance costs.
Alex Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security works will discuss Trump’s new attack on Social Security. Later, we discuss the exploding cost of private insurance.
Corporate Media using Labour Party defeat to smear progressives.
The corporate media is attempting to make UK’s Labour Party & Jeremy Corbyn’s defeat as the future of the American Progressive movement. Don’t buy it.
Warren, like Sanders, has gloves off calling out Democrats running on GOP platform.
Some were worried that Elizabeth Warren was trying to move to the center. Her latest speech makes clear that if that was the case it is no more.
Pete Buttigieg is a dangerous smooth-talking neoliberal.
Pete Buttigieg is a smooth talker, knowledgeable & quicker on his feet than his smooth slow pace would indicate. Conflation makes him dangerous.