This incident is characteristic of what happens to black boys throughout the country. Record is tarnished & they’re made damaged goods unable to advance.
Only you can make government reflect the real progressive America
America is Liberal / Progressive nation whose poll numbers reflect that reality but whose government does not. Solution?
We collectively are answerable for the demise of the America we thought we had
America has become impotent because of our collective neglect. That is what we will discuss today. We collectively are answerable.
This redistricting story about Corrine Brown must be told
There is an outright conspiracy in the manner in which the Florida GOP is trying to use redistricting to oust Democratic Congresswoman Corrine Brown.
Drug extortion coverage proves alternative media a must
The alternative media for all practical purposes broke a story that should have been an on going news series on traditional mainstream media.
Why we must have an alternative media
This week provided clear examples why we must have alternative media. Be a part of saving this country from the failed state of traditional mainstream media.
Why so little coverage about America’s Journey for Justice? Media fail continues
It is likely that very few heard about America’s Journey for Justice, a very large grassroots event.
Our failed media almost led us to war with Iran and beyond
A media that allows the same warmongering neocons that lied America into war to appear as opposition to the Iran Nuclear deal is complicit to potential war.
Touching dialogue with my friend’s frustration with the country’s race dynamics
This race dialogue is important especially during a time when the powers attempt to divide & conquer coercing us to take our eyes off our real nemesis.
Message to Bernie Sanders: Use bloggers & alternative media
Bernie Sanders continues to be disregarded by the mainstream media. It is time for Sanders to seek out the alternate media.