The Trump voter is not yet abandoning Donald Trump in droves. It is decidedly a trickle. What I noticed is that many, when asked, say they do not follow the news.
If progressive activists do their jobs most Americans will activate
Americans will activate if progressives make the case to Americans in a form that reaches them relative to their personal economies.
Let’s explore The Liberal Redneck’s most recent rant about the Trump voter
The Liberal Redneck has all but given up on the Trump voter. In many ways, he echoes much of the conversations at Liberal and Progressive websites.
We must be aware of Trumpcare snake oil marketing and snuff it out
Progressives may smell blood, but there is still Trumpcare looming. In Republican orthodoxy tax cuts for the wealthy supersede even life. Remember that!
America’s self-proclaimed patriots are silent and must pay for it
Let’s talk a little Russia but most importantly ensure the issues that affect middle-class and poor American is not placed on a waiting list.
Let’s not let Russia hyperventilation cloud the suffering of working class America
I am tired of the hyperventilation by the media and specifically Progressives over the likely collusion between Trump and Russia at the expense of all else.
Where do we go from here now that the AHCA passed the House?
It is time for us to redouble our efforts and put the fear of the electorate into the Republican politicians until they kill AHCA.
Republican health care is a revisit of a disastrous past
Welcome to the past? Are we really ready to go back to the health care we had before? Most will answer no. But Republicans do not care about the wants of most
Automation is not a problem. Rethink our economy with a 10 hour work week
Economists continue to posit that automation is a big problem that is likely the biggest factor in employment. We must rethink how our economy works.
How can we stop from being played by the puppeteers, the plutocracy
The biggest fear of the corporate state, the plutocracy is the uniting of the barrios, the ghettos, and Appalachia. Stereotypical? Yes but applicable.