The economic system, the political system, and the mainstream media are all run by the same Plutocracy. They are steering candidates and policies.
mainstream media
Is the mainstream media realizing that Trump’s acts are just a distraction
Many of us continue to watch the mainstream media with disgust. Can these supposedly educated elitist be this shallow? Can they be more gullible than Trump himself?
Why we need independent media? Mainstream media failing to report GOP path to fascism
It is time to act. As mainstream media fails to show urgency as GOP slow-walk us to fascism, the Progressive Independent media must activate in droves.
The mainstream media is still discounting the Left but we are winning
The supposedly Liberal mainstream media continues to discount Progressive wins. They do so at their peril and credibility. Even Establishment candidates who won are adopting Progressive positions.
Does Chuck Todd believe you are stupid? A rewrite of history?
Chuck Todd showed an interesting form of self-serving projection as he tried to absolve the mainstream media from fault instead putting it squarely on Fox News. How quickly has he forgotten his complicity?
This is how the media fools you making sure you don’t see reality
This is an important illustrating the danger of a mainstream media outlet controlled by a plutocracy subliminally controlling how Americans think.
Independent Media only option to get passed Trump Distractions
The MSM is all about Stormy Daniels and Russia, Independent media not so much. We are the only solution left to inform America.
Mainstream Media projecting as they accuse BuzzFeed
It would not be long before the mainstream media ran for cover. BuzzFeed gave them a gem, and they were happy to base much of their reporting on it.
America’s media leaves one shouting with no one hearing
There were two important stories out of the Democratic Debate. One was rather good while the other, the media, should concern every American citizen.
Our failed media almost led us to war with Iran and beyond
A media that allows the same warmongering neocons that lied America into war to appear as opposition to the Iran Nuclear deal is complicit to potential war.