Ronald Reagan made Donald Trump possible. He functionally made a sect of the American population develop the ability to disregard math even as all signals proved he was knowingly lying about voodoo-economics.
Donald Trump
Democrats could allow Trump’s tariffs a win if they don’t set the narrative.
There are several narratives one can build against the Trump tariffs. Today’s massive stock market drop was a tailor-perfect moment for some grandstanding by Democrats to put them all into the American psyche. They have not so far.
IMPEACH TRUMP: Too many Democrats’ obsession deny concentrating on policies most need.
A form of privilege is having the ability to choose anything to run a campaign on even if it helps very few of one’s base its constituents. That may be the downfall of Democrats with the impeachment obsession.
Impeach Trump? Not if we want to win. Let’s be strategic!
In an ideal world, we would impeach Trump sooner than later. But in these times we must be strategic and take all independent variables into account. It’s all about winning 2020.
I like Pete Buttigieg, but he is dead wrong about Bernie Sanders
There is no need for Pete Buttigieg to put Bernie Sanders in the same domain as Donald Trump. It is a false equivalence that he should be ashamed of making.
The Mueller Report is out. Politicos are excited! Most Americans, a yawn.
For those of us who are very politically involved, the Mueller Report is a big deal. Let’s remember to most Americans it is not. As such we must keep our eyes on the ball.
We cannot allow anyone or anything to stop the Progressive agenda
Many Democrats want to start from a position of incrementalism. We are looking at the outcome to such a stance, the deconstruction of incrementally created Progressive policies.
Is it time for Progressives to discharge Obama? & Tamara talks on current politics
Call: (713) 526-5738 – Facebook LIVE – Live stream: KPFT (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: March 27th, 2019 President Obama met with the freshman class in Congress recently. While supportive he effectively implied applying the brakes on Progressives with the how-you-gonna-pay-for-it card. Tamara Shealey starts with the state of our current politics. You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here Support […]
Trump going for the jugular: Trying final blow to kill Obamacare in court
Americans, whether Democrats, Republicans, or otherwise better wake up. Trump is about to inflict deadly pain on you and his voters. He has filed to kill Obamacare in the courts.
Author & Investigative journalist Johnathan Greenberg had the goods on Trump before most
Jonathan Greenberg had the original tapes of Trump calling under a pseudonym to inflate his net worth. He understands the Thug-In-Chief better than most and his Washington Post and HuffPost exposes are probative.