Let’s be clear. The Republican defeat yesterday was real and prophetic only if Democrats make the case. And that case isn’t the status quo.
Coffee Party Shows
Analysis of SNL skit Corporate Nightmare shows the preying on employees
When an SNL skit mimics a reality that ultimately shows how corporations use human nature against itself it bears examining.
Elizabeth Warren’s released Medicare For All plan puts opponents on the defensive.
Elizabeth Warren released her version of Medicare For All and how to pay for it. Most importantly it forces those who oppose the it to answer very difficult questions.
Economist validates Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare for All tax-question answer.
Economist Dr. Dean Baker did not mince words as he validated the manner in which Senator Elizabeth Warren answers the tax question on Medicare for All.
Edgar Villanueva discusses his book decolonizing wealth and philanthropy
Philanthropy is a double edge sword. Edgar Villanueva points out several inconvenient truths about the giving industry and what must be done.
Actress/Comedian Maysoon Zayid discusses politics, disability, & Find Another Dream
Maysoon Zayid visited with us to discuss her bold views on Palestine, disability rights and much more. Her new Audiobook “Find Another Dream” is ready for all to hear.
Jeff Bezos’ latest actions should be the nail in the coffin for employer health insurance.
Jeff Bezos’ latest move shows exactly why Americans must never trust private or employer health insurance. It is no more than another profit center.
Response to Hillary’s Tulsi attack exposes a danger to the Democratic Party.
While some may want to move on from the dust-up between Hillary and Tulsi, it exposes a volatile fissure that is better resolved now than later.
Activist Real Estate Agent Robby L Caban: Answer to reverse gentrification.
Activist Real Estate Agent Robby L Caban is back with us at the Tyler Perry Studios discussing solutions to gentrification.
The Revolt of the Public with Martin Gurri & disturbing politics.
Martin Gurri joins us to discuss his book The Revolt of the Public. America is in a transition point and his words are prescient.