Domingo Garcia, LULAC national president discusses meatpackers dying around the country. It is time to break out of the American worker held hostage.
Coffee Party Shows
States Open For Business – Media complete failure
Many states are now opening. Is that wise or will we pay for it later? Donald Trump’s new press secretary showed how inept the White House Press core is.
Why the 2020 depression will not be televised – COVID-19 update.
COVID-19 simply sped up the lurking Depression. Just like the previous pain was not televised. Neither will be the coming catastrophe.
Doctor explains why it’s too early to open, Georgia Open, COVID-19 updates & more.
Doctor Shannon Sovndal discusses why it is too early to reopen. Tamara Shealey discusses Georgia open for business. And COVID-19 update & more.
Jerry Ashton of RIP Medical Debt visit – Medicare For All & COVID-19 Update
Jerry Ashton, co-founder of RIP Medical Debt discusses how he solves Americans’ major economic problems, medical debt. – We also cover Medicare for All and COVID-19 updates.
A pissed off Bernie voter is not a Biden voter. DNC, are you listening?
The Democratic Party is looking for an antiseptic purge. Most Americans are neither Democrats nor Republicans and Bernie voters are allies.
COVID-19 Crazy Updates & It Is “Your Topic Friday”
There are so many silly and crazy things occurring in the COVID-19 pandemic, it is hard to believe the President is serious about solving it. And we cover any topic you want.
They need your work: Demand Medicare for All & real safety net (Part 2)
We cannot wait until the impending depression to start demanding the changes to the social safety net that includes Medicare for All and UBI.
They need your work: Demand Medicare for All & real safety net
The Right-Wing and their sycophants want you back to work now. It is time to bargain for Medicare for All and a robust safety net.
Right-Wing Update – Historian on religious freedom, COVID-19, & American History.
Right-Wing Tea Party like micro-protests are erupting. Dr. Emma Long discusses how history, COVID-19, freedom, & American History applies.