The Democratic Party is allowing the fear of a word from doing what is right. Americans are there, why the fear of being called a Democratic Socialist if it supports the policies Americans want? Don’t undermine, inform Americans. They are smart.
Doctor & activists explain Texans’ fight for Medicare Expansion to ACA
Several doctors, activists, and Texas citizens rallied and lobbied at the Texas Capitol in Austin. Later they explained why accepting the Medicaid Expansion to the ACA is essential.
The Natural Progressive discusses need for Independent Media – Krugman slams Ivanka
We discuss the need for Independent Progressive Media with The Natural Progressive – Paul Krugman schools Ivanka Trump on Democratic Socialism with more than platitudes.
Evette Avery paid the price for standing up for workers – Insurance stocks cratering, YEAH!
Evette Avery did nothing wrong. She was just intent on taking care of both her families, her kids, & workers at her side. It cost her her job. – Health insurance stocks are cratering, yeah!
Medicare for All bill unveiled – Let the war begin in earnest
Medicare for All is one step closer to reality. It will require a spine by Democrats and grassroots activism like never before.
Dr. Brian L. Ott will discuss politics by Twitter – Pharmaceutical legal fraud continued
Dr. Brian Ott will discuss in detail how Twitter has affected our politics and how it will evolve going forward. – The pharmaceutical pilfer win insulin continues.
Why our economic system is designed to keep most people broke by robbing us legally
Our economic system is designed to rob the masses of all of their income thus preventing the growth of our wealth. We are doomed if we do not fix it.
When Americans understand this is legalized theft, Medicare for All becomes easy
Everyday Americans are robbed every day by the healthcare industrial complex. Most feel impotent because these thugs are not breaking the law. We will empower Americans through Medicare for All.
Tamara for Georgia (Panel discusses leaning in to Democratic Socialism)
My political segment on Tamara for Georgia warned about Republicans attempting to malign Democrats with the word “Socialism.”
Democrats: Swing into the “Socialism” attacks as you promote REAL American wants and values unapologetically.
At some time in our lives, one must take a stance eventually abandoning an abusive spouse when it is clear change is not forthcoming. Capitalism has failed. Democratic Socialism is a proven answer.