Today: Producer of basic income experiment, Color of Change Rashad Robinson challenges corporations and Medicare for All activists make their case.
Elizabeth Warren vs. Bernie Sanders approaching sooner than later.
Progressives are going to have to make a choice and unite to ensure an undeniable win at the Democratic Convention. Will it be Warren or Sanders?
AOC is right, the Radical, Extreme-Left agenda is really the moral agenda America wants.
A tweet from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently gave me both pause and resolve. The Radical, Extreme-Left agenda isn’t that at all. It’s America’s agenda.
Three great guests on Medicare, Social Security, Progressive values, & engagement.
Today we meet more political activists and a Congresswoman doing the real work in the field. We discuss Social Security, Medicare, and much more.
Turning Texas Blue, Basic Income, DNC Rep. Talks, The Progressive movement on fire.
Today we meet political activists and policy influencers we spoke with at Netroots Nation 2019. It shows a vibrant Progressive movement ready for action.
We are governed by a mad man and it is looking dangerous.
It is deeper than narcissism. Donald Trump is a mad man & everything the Plutocracy needs now for their ulterior motives. And Biden is but the attenuation.
No candidate, Democratic or Republican is inevitable or un-electable so calculable predictability is essential.
Too many are approaching the election of their candidate from a position of fear. The fear is both Right and Left, exactly where the Plutocracy wants us.
Police criminality, Media timidity, Healthcare fraud, Ranked-choice voting, & Bottom-up governance
Much of how we are governed would be considered fraud if we were being objective. Unfortunately, we can only make the necessary change if we are aware.
Dr. America discusses Medicare for All in a manner for all to understand.
Regular PDR guest Dr. America, Sanjeev K. Sriram met me at Netroots Nation 2019 in Philadelphia to discuss the state of Medicare for All and more.
Trans woman Brianna Titone who was snubbed by her Rep, ran & won his seat. JD Scholten on Steve King.
Meet Brianna Titone, a trans who won a very conservative Colorado district and JD Scholten, challenger of Iowa’s racist, misogynist, sexist Steve King.