When Democrats lose too often they are told it is because they are too Progressive or support too many policies that are on the fringe.
Privileged Bloomberg, Big Pharma fraud suit, Sen. Bennet fumbles, Trump triangulation.
Finally, the government is going after Big Pharma theft. Bennet gets called out on air, privileged Bloomberg, and Trump is triangulating folks.
For many of the rich, it is not just greed but a pathology.
The movie Wall Street claimed that greed is good. It also implied that it made the rich. That’s partially true. An evil pathology is a component in some.
Republican wipeout around the country tells a bigger story.
Let’s be clear. The Republican defeat yesterday was real and prophetic only if Democrats make the case. And that case isn’t the status quo.
Progressive ideas are not Left Wing ideas. That accusation is a fraud on America
It is a trick. Call ideas by Progressives Left Wing and what immediately occurs is you put them in a box. It is a calculated fraud imposed by the Plutocrats.
Analysis of SNL skit Corporate Nightmare shows the preying on employees
When an SNL skit mimics a reality that ultimately shows how corporations use human nature against itself it bears examining.
Elizabeth Warren’s released Medicare For All plan puts opponents on the defensive.
Elizabeth Warren released her version of Medicare For All and how to pay for it. Most importantly it forces those who oppose the it to answer very difficult questions.
Dr. Dean Baker: Elizabeth Warren forcing the correct question on Medicare for All.
Economist Dr. Dean Baker details why Senator Elizabeth Warren is correct in the way she addresses the question about tax increases with Medicare for All.
Economist validates Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare for All tax-question answer.
Economist Dr. Dean Baker did not mince words as he validated the manner in which Senator Elizabeth Warren answers the tax question on Medicare for All.
Edgar Villanueva discusses his book decolonizing wealth and philanthropy
Philanthropy is a double edge sword. Edgar Villanueva points out several inconvenient truths about the giving industry and what must be done.