The corporate media went into overdrive after the Democratic Debate in Atlanta. They immediately went on to attack Progressive candidates.
Progressives will have a blowout 2020 election win if we do our necessary work.
It is clear that the stars are aligning for a 2020 election blowout win. It will only happen if Progressives forget the fear and go big with the correct narrative.
Progressives’ response to Buttigieg 2010 video engaging TEA Party misses the point.
Pete Buttigieg engaging the TEA Party back in 2010 was a good thing. Progressives should not be upset at that behavior but of who he has become.
Generational theft is real even if cloaked in a false ideology
It is a fact that we are currently in a state of generational theft. Most Americans would not have accepted it if it were not cloaked in false morals & responsibility.
Kelly Hyman discusses Top Ten Reasons to Dump Trump in 2020. Warren flip on M4A?
Democratic Strategist, lawyer, and author discusses 10 reasons to Dump Donald Trump. Elizabeth Did Warren flip on M4A?
Economist Richard Wolff annihilates Whole Foods founder John Mackey in capitalism debate
Platitudes & delusion vs. Americans’ lived experiences. Professor Economist Richard Wolff schooled Whole Foods founder John Mackey on capitalism.
Impeachment hearings important but must not distract progressive agenda.
The impeachment hearings charade is on confirming what everybody knows. But working on poor and middle-class policies cannot be placed on hold.
Bloomberg & Patrick, the elitists warning to the Democratic field. Fear? Hell no.
Bloomberg and Patrick are strategic. They are there in case the propaganda from the Establishment takes hold. We will make sure it does not.
Progressive ideas are not ideas on the fringe but what people want.
When Democrats lose too often they are told it is because they are too Progressive or support too many policies that are on the fringe.
Privileged Bloomberg, Big Pharma fraud suit, Sen. Bennet fumbles, Trump triangulation.
Finally, the government is going after Big Pharma theft. Bennet gets called out on air, privileged Bloomberg, and Trump is triangulating folks.