This one story on a Medical series on Netflix should wake every American. It illustrates the pathetic state of our healthcare system in so many ways.
Bernie Sanders surges. The hyperventilation of the establishment immediately begins.
Bernie Sanders is starting to surge. First, NYTimes decided to endorse two candidates neither being him. And now the mainstream media is attempting to belittle his recent surge.
Trump to cut Medicare & Social Security – Doctors support Medicare for All.
Donald Trump said he is ready to break his Medicare / Social Security promise in 2nd Term. Doctors are supporting Medicare for all in droves.
Hillary’s Bernie attack was shameful. More doctor organizations supporting Medicare for All.
Hillary’s attack on Bernie has two purposes, slow down his momentum & 2nd, refuse to accept responsibility for her loss. More doctors onboard Medicare for All.
Oxfam: ‘Flawed & sexist’ capitalist system impoverishing billions.
The world economy is broken and it is our economic system that is wreaking havoc that has now reached our American shores. Oxfam is on point.
Medicare for All lies & Dr. David Korten on the great American myth.
They are lying about Medicare for All and it is our job to correct the record. David Korten talks about the Great American Myth.
Medicare for All was the big loser at the Democratic Debate. Calling the grassroots!
CNN’s 2020 Democratic Debate, made it clear the grassroots must be more active in informing on Medicare for All. Candidates are timid or ineffective.
Don’t let them scare us away from demanding Medicare for All healthcare. Why?
Millions of Americans are in pain as our healthcare system either kills them or transfers their assets to the healthcare industrial complex causing many to go bankrupt.
Bernie Sanders surge – Trump doing something the left must get busy doing.
The Bernie Sanders surge is real and the mainstream media is covering it. The Trump team is working in a discipline methodical method. Wake up Left.
Rules Analyst Kristin Arnold deconstructs the next Democratic Debates.
Rules Analyst Kristin Arnold appears with PDR again to discuss the upcoming CNN Democratic Debate. She surely has Wolf Blitzer in her crosshairs.