Paul Fleming learned first hand why Americans could not afford to lose the Affordable Care Act. In fact, Medicare for All is the ultimate solution.
Medicare for All
Ed Eichhorn discusses universal healthcare through the current system not Medicare for All.
Ed Eichhorn has another option for Medicare for All. He really does want to give everyone affordable healthcare with the goal Medicare for All has.
Does Ed Eichhorn have a better option than Medicare for All? Economy & more.
Ed Eichhorn, author of Healing American Healthcare discusses his counter to Medicare for All. We continue with our demands for fully reopening America.
Joel Segal, one of the authors of Medicare for All HR 676 speaks.
Joel Segal was instrumental in writing H.R. 676, the original Medicare for All bill under Congressman John Conyers. It’s one of the gold standards.
Medicare for All author Joel Segal & North Harris County 7 Warriors discuss Texas elections.
Stephanie Gordon Bailey & John Cotter of North Harris County 7 Warriors discuss interview schedule of TX candidates. Joel Segal, Medicare for All author speaks healthcare and more.
Jerry Ashton of RIP Medical Debt visit – Medicare For All & COVID-19 Update
Jerry Ashton, co-founder of RIP Medical Debt discusses how he solves Americans’ major economic problems, medical debt. – We also cover Medicare for All and COVID-19 updates.
They need your work: Demand Medicare for All & real safety net (Part 2)
We cannot wait until the impending depression to start demanding the changes to the social safety net that includes Medicare for All and UBI.
They need your work: Demand Medicare for All & real safety net
The Right-Wing and their sycophants want you back to work now. It is time to bargain for Medicare for All and a robust safety net.
Madison Paige: Wisconsin COVID-19 voting fiasco – Nisha Randle: DNC – & much more
Bold Blue Campaign’s Madison Paige discusses the Wisconsin aberration of an election. TDP Deputy Communication Director discusses convention. COVID-19 update.
Prepare for the health & economic rebirth even as COVID-19 pandemic worsens.
The devastation by the COVID-19 pandemic is real. Activists cannot let up. The corporate sector is already pilfering Americans and writing laws that favor them, the few.