They tried to beat Bernie Sanders by ignoring him. They found out that it was impossible to beat a real message especially one that is existential.
Bernie Sanders
Cop finally convicted of murdering black man – Bernie & Warner right on wealth tax
Two stories: The conviction of this cop was very important for several reasons. A wealth tax is a mathematical necessity lest virtual slavery convergence.
Mainstream media not only derelict but complicit in the decline of the average American.
Today’s editorial in a major newspaper in the United States, the Houston Chronicle illustrates a level of Mainstream Media dereliction & complicity. Be aware of it.
Elizabeth Warren vs. Bernie Sanders approaching sooner than later.
Progressives are going to have to make a choice and unite to ensure an undeniable win at the Democratic Convention. Will it be Warren or Sanders?
I like Pete Buttigieg, but he is dead wrong about Bernie Sanders
There is no need for Pete Buttigieg to put Bernie Sanders in the same domain as Donald Trump. It is a false equivalence that he should be ashamed of making.
The real reason I think DNC doesn’t want debates on Fox News
Why would the DNC not want to have Democratic Primary debates on Fox News? I think the real answers are more dubious than most would believe. And it is BERNIE!
Should Bernie Sanders run now that his policies are becoming a bit more mainstream?
Bernie Sanders changed the conversation in this country. Democratic Socialism is no longer a dirty word. As the population gets younger and enlightened, they see the light.
Gun policy w/privilege kills & Sanders guaranteed jobs for everyone
Today we discuss two subjects, guns and jobs. While they may seem unrelated, there is a connection one can make if one chooses to think outside of the box.
Coffee Party Directors discuss the upcoming presidential election
I am not voting against Donald Trump. I am voting for Hillary Clinton as the better choice among all the current crop of candidates.
The Sanders revolution will continue because it is about the middle-class
The Democratic Primary was effectively over this week. Bernie Sanders supporters should not despair. He proved their is a movement that will continue.