I am tired of the hyperventilation by the media and specifically Progressives over the likely collusion between Trump and Russia at the expense of all else.
KPFT Shows
Republican health care is a revisit of a disastrous past
Welcome to the past? Are we really ready to go back to the health care we had before? Most will answer no. But Republicans do not care about the wants of most
How can we stop from being played by the puppeteers, the plutocracy
The biggest fear of the corporate state, the plutocracy is the uniting of the barrios, the ghettos, and Appalachia. Stereotypical? Yes but applicable.
Progressives will not stop losing until they build local alliances to win
Progressives, the policies most people want conform to your tenets. Why not build alliances to attain them? That is how you win.
Let’s not sugar coat losses. Progressives must get out there and win.
Progressives throughout the United States are touting Kansas defeat as some sort of a victory. Folks, wake up. One cannot be somewhat pregnant.
Every major country in the world ditched the free market in healthcare
This week I read a story on the cost of curing hepatitis that, to put it bluntly, boiled my blood. Obscene realities like that are why we do what we do.
An activated grassroots gets results and here is the proof
Most importantly, not only did it get one’s blood boiling, it illustrates the trail ahead for our burgeoning massive grassroots movement.
Obamacare: Pro-life – Trumpcare: Pro-death – Medicare for All: Pro-life on steroids
Now is the time for all of America to come together on health care. We now know that Trumpcare is Pro-Death. Obamacare is Pro-Life.
If Trumpcare is stopped, it is no win for Progressives, Listen UP!
Call: (713) 526-5738 – Facebook LIVE – Live stream: KPFT (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: March 16th, 2017 Trumpcare may fail to get passed but what’s next could be worse You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here. If one follows the polls, Trumpcare is under water and Obamacare is now above water. But Obamacare has […]
Stop the immorality, Health Insurance is not a product
One of the problems with health insurance is that we allowed the plutocracy to treat it as if it is a common product. It is not.