Progressives are screaming to anyone who will listen. Biden will lose and that is okay with the Plutocracy. Sander & Warren is their nemesis.
KPFT Shows
Let’s talk about what we want out of the Democratic Debate in Houston, Texas
The Democratic Debate at Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas should be substantive now that we have the big three all on one stage. Here is what I want to hear.
Mainstream media not only derelict but complicit in the decline of the average American.
Today’s editorial in a major newspaper in the United States, the Houston Chronicle illustrates a level of Mainstream Media dereliction & complicity. Be aware of it.
Elizabeth Warren vs. Bernie Sanders approaching sooner than later.
Progressives are going to have to make a choice and unite to ensure an undeniable win at the Democratic Convention. Will it be Warren or Sanders?
No candidate, Democratic or Republican is inevitable or un-electable so calculable predictability is essential.
Too many are approaching the election of their candidate from a position of fear. The fear is both Right and Left, exactly where the Plutocracy wants us.
We cannot allow the Right to use the Constitution as a boat anchor to progress.
Many on the Right including the corporatocracy are attempting to inhibit progress by using the Constitution as a boat anchor. We cannot allow that.
Deconstructing the El Paso shooter, Patrick Crusius, manifesto
The items in the El Paso Shooter, Patrick Crusius, should not be hidden but explored and rebutted. Not confronting these fallacies head exacerbates the ignorance.
Progressives & Democrats have no reason to fear who they say they are.
The impression many get is that Democrats are being crippled by fear of America catching on to what they represent. Really?
We cannot allow Donald Trump to use racism as the springboard to a second term.
Trump can use racism to win back the White House. But the punditry has got it wrong. They think he it’s to keep his base in line. That is not it at all.
Democratic Establishment support of Biden is a tacit act of sexism
Establishment support for Biden sexist. While Biden is ahead in the polls, it is by design and if he accidentally wins the primary, Trump wins.