Donald Trump is now under attack by both the media and his party. Should he resign? We should think twice before we answer that question.
Coffee Party Shows
Trump: Misogyny, cocaine flap, debate, and more
Today we talk about Trump’s misogyny. We will talk about how the Trump campaign is attempting to use the mainstream media to change the conversation.
It’s time to rid police departments of the cancer within
Yet again I must have another show in a week where two black men were killed unnecessarily by police officers, one officer already indicted.
Donald Trump, Birther, Election 2016, and the Truth
Many look at this birther week as the possible undoing of Donald Trump. The reality is, I am not sure if his play has failed yet.
Donald Trump, Russia, economy, and the American angst
Today we discuss all things, Donald Trump. We discuss his love for Vladimir Puting. We discuss the Washington Post email story and the media now running scared of their creation.
Colin Kaepernick vs Donald Trump, a double standard
Colin Kaepernick has been under attack for protesting about the mistreatments of people of color, yet Donald Trump as perpetrator gets a pass.
Let us understand our health care system and force its restructure
This week several things occurred that dictates that our entire health care system is revamped. To be more specific, it needs to be completely restructured.
Trump’s pivot with new campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and appeals for the black vote
Is this the final pivot for Trump as he hires his critic Kellyanne Conway as campaign manager while appealing for the black vote?
Conservatives admit Trump’s plan would hurt economy
Donald Trump purports to be a populist supporting those forgotten by the Democratic party, yet his economic plan is a danger for his most avid supporters.
My Democratic National Convention experience differs from the mainstream media
My experience at the Democratic National Convention was much different than what is being characterized by the media. They are creating their narrative.