There is some intersectionality between the two topics covered today, Collaborative Democracy and the Tribalization of America. Understanding it is understanding America.
Coffee Party Shows
Corona Virus shows why Medicare for All existential in the long run.
Covid-19, is the perfect example of why America needs Medicare for All. Absent a health care system based on humanity, the system will continue to kill.
#DemDebate Analysis. A victim of evil private health insurance speaks.
SC #DemDebate was an orchestrated hit job on progressives. Krystal Ball exposed it. Rose Williams, a victim of evil private health insurance speaks.
Bernie or Bust? No! Continue to earn the vote as we did in Nevada.
The Bernie Sanders resounding Nevada Caucus win proves the message is getting through. Time to transition from insurgents to leaders of the transformation.
Angeliina Lawson, progressive fighting for transparency on conservative board.
Conservatives have had the false narrative that they use taxpayers’ money responsibly. Angeliina Lawson, a progressive may have proven otherwise.
Why is the American Oligarchy coming out to fight so hard in the Democratic Primary?
The Oligarchy is scared of the metastasis of the grassroots movement to take back this country. Fear, lies, and misinformation are their tools we must fight to defy.
Bernie winning Super Tuesday & various other progressive topics.
Bernie is up in two of the biggest Super Tuesday states & he’s on top of the national polls. What will Democratic Establishment do? Democrats will choose.
Here’s why Donald Trump may not be all that bad. Really?
The thing is with Trump is what you see is what you get. In that light, Trump may not be as bad as his benefactors or the chameleons.
Bernie won: Media, Establishment, & Plutocracy going crazy. What’s next?
MSNBC, for the most part, was in hyperventilating mode. Bernie won both Iowa and New Hampshire. Any other candidate would elicit praise. He gets …
American in Norway: This is what real healthcare should look like.
Jonathan Hall, an American, moved to Norway several decades ago. He talks about Norway’s healthcare system which he loves. It’s more humane & moral than ours.