Today we try detailing Russian involvement in getting Donald Trump elected, a Russian Puppet or a Russian Agent? Is that fair?
Trump is the perfect opportunity to create a real Blue Wall
Democrats lost a big chunk of the Blue Wall because of many reasons. They are being handed an opportunity to rebuild they should heed.
We must remind Democrats how to fight for Medicare using 2004-2006 parallels
While most of the media eyes are off of the ball, a few journalists are spending the necessary time on the Medicare privatization attack
Donald Trump could be the country’s next Ronald Reagan, REALLY
Donald Trump could be the next Ronald Reagan. Do not laugh or believe I have lost it. Remember, Donald Trump won the presidency. He is your president.
The words from my friend, a former Republican gives me hope under Trump’s rule
I was happy to hear from my friend, a former Republican who would have none of it.
Fake News and Reason’s for Trump electoral college win
We discuss the hysteria about social media fake news followed by Tim Danahey discussing the reasons for Trump’s electoral college win.
Bannon speaks: Trump just a cog in Steve Bannon’s roadmap
I am concerned that Progressives, mostly concentrating on Steve Bannon’s sexism, racism, and xenophobia were missing the most important point.
Progressives must realize that being right is not good enough
Republicans and Conservatives talk to people where they are. Liberals and Democrats talk to people where they want them to be.
Unless we understand Trump’s victory, we are destined to fail
It is important that we understand Donald Trump’s electoral college victory. To be clear, most voting Americans wanted Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump.
Democrats & Progressives must not reward Republican extortion
Today we discuss how Progressives move forward with strength as we ensure there is no appeasing of the new administration.