The inflation spike is manufactured by the private sector. Harvey Wasserman dings Democrats for Virginia. Liz Cheney slams Republicans.
Workers assert their power. Big Pharma, a fraudulent ad to scare seniors and American Patients
Big Pharma continues lying to seniors & American patients. Workers are now in power and they are using it.
Who broke America? You’d be surprised. Elon Musk’s Twitter stunt is why we need to tax the rich.
David Brooks wrote a piece a few weeks ago that has several points progressives should explore. Elon Musk’s tweet bleeds ‘tax the rich.’
It is politicians owned by Millionaires & Billionaires holding Build Back Better & Americans hostage.
The Build Back Better shenanigans purportedly by serious Democratic politicians proves they are owned by billionaires and millionaires.
A lying Republican on all. An economist on deficit lie. Private sector own supply chain failure
Economist Stephanie Kelton blows a hole in the deficit myth. The private sector is the supply chain culprit. This lying Republican must be stopped.
Obama & Merkel, Workers revolt, COVID Governor, Senator fears Trump, Manchin holding hostages.
Claudia Clark talks about the Obama/Merkel relationship. Republicans continue to fail. Zakaria on workers. Hostage holding Manchin.
Democrats: Accepting the wrong message on Election 2021 will be fatal for 2022. Here’s the answer!
My head exploded as I heard the analysis by the talking heads about the 2021 Democratic slaughter in Virginia. They have it all wrong.
Don’t be spoofed by the Virginia governor race. Evette Avery fights for workers.
Is the Virginia race really a bellwether? Hell no. It’s based on a farce. Union activist Evette Avery talks about fighting for workers.
Evette Avery, The fight for Organized Labor in Atlanta and beyond.
PDR Guest host Robby Caban interviews labor activist Evette Avery is about organizing workers, the vote, and more.
It must be all are nothing. No Build Back Better bill, then no bipartisan infrastructure bill.
Progressives must not allow the bipartisan infrastructure bill unless working-class Americans are supported via Build Back Better.