Activist & Author Harvey Wasserman thinks it is essential to rebalance the Supreme Court as it has become an ideological fraud.
Andy Schmookler discusses his take on The Fate of Human Civilization.
Andy Schmookler said that he thinks a lot about the fate of human civilization these days. He said that the subject worries him
Alito mocks leaders on his Roe ruling. They screwed the economy, but we must pay the price to fix it?
Larry Summers proves that our economic system is a fraud on poor and middle-class America. Justice Alito mocks leaders overseas.
Larry Summers is OK w/ middle-class destruction. Andy Schmookler on civilization’s fate, & more.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Larry Summers sadly cares little about the middle-class. Andy Schmookler continues his series.
Today we discuss the new bill on the environment and much more. It’s your show.
Is the bill worth it? Did Senator Joe Manchin really do a 180-degree turn? Whatever the case, we must take whatever minor win we get.
Marlon Weems, former Wall Street trader, writer, and author, discusses our economy and much more.
Marlon Weems (@GeekTrader) discussed the state of our economy. He provides a few realities that are hard to refute, both in housing and inflation. Listen to the entire video/podcast.
Former Wall Street trader Marlon Weems discusses the economy and more. Thoughts on nuclear energy.
I discuss my thoughts on nuclear energy. Former Wall Street trader Marlon Weems has much to say on the economy.
PROOF: Democrats are better than Republicans for the economy. Trump sycophants, why. Why Beto can win.
Democrats are definitely better than the Republicans for the economy and much more. This is why Beto can win. Trump sycophants.
Anand Bhat discusses the state of healthcare, college debt, and more.
Dr. Anand Bhat, an activist & blogger, discusses healthcare, college debt, and more with some outtakes from his recent trip to Europe.
Oil fraudsters are quick to raise prices & slow to bring them down. Dems win. Buttigieg slams Cruz
They were quick to raise our gasoline prices but slow to drop them. Pete Buttigieg let Ted Cruz have it. Democrats can win.