Martha Raddatz embarrassed Texas Governor Abbott. Did he get it? A Twitter alternative is a must. I love this kidney story. Trump is on the way out in more ways than one.
The oil companies are at it again. GOP killing its own, and the numbers prove it.
The oil companies claim they are into clean energy. It is a sham. Republicans are killing their constituents. It is in the numbers.
Money for war. Crumbs for humans. Working class pays for corporate sins. GOP killing their own.
The Feds decided to take more money away from the working class. GOP leaders, pundits, & faux-news hosts are causing the deaths of their followers. We have no problem spending billions on arms & war.
Today we prove our economic system is a failure for the working class in all manners
An economist and a Fed chair are all we need to prove conclusively that we have a failed economic system designed solely for those invited to be a part of it, the wealthy and the powerful.
They are putting corporations on trial. Bernie on economic numbers. And much more.
Brad Wolf is serious about holding corporations accountable ass merchants of war. Berni does not want us to let up because inflation is slowing.
Maria Vilma Duran & Ruben Martinez discuss his play Little Central America 1984 & sanctuary cities.
Executive Producer Ruben Martinez and Local Producer Maria Vilma Duran of the live performance titled Little Central America, 1984 discuss sanctuary cities, Central American migration, politics, and more.
We made sanctuary cities necessary. Good inflation news. Medicare Advantage Scandals persist.
American policy’s partially responsible for northward migration and sanctuary cities. Medicare Advantage continues the pilfering of our elders. What about those better-than-expected inflation numbers?
Scarborough fesses up. Bigoted Rep. called out by nephew. Biden touts better inflation numbers.
Did Joe Scarborough have a Freudian slip? I don’t think so. Biden touts the better-than-expected inflation numbers and the economy. Missouri Rep. slammed for her bigotry on the House floor by her nephew.
Capitalists will be capitalists. Imprisoned brother slams Trump. Bernie defines Sinema.
Ali Velshi’s guest sounded defeatist as she acquiesced to capitalists. David Whelan slammed Trump. Bernie called out Sinema in harsh terms. What type of America do you want?
What kind of America do you want? Tell me if you want to live in my America.
America is still the richest country in the world. It could create a humane template that could guide the world into a new existence.